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Tips For Overcoming Procrastination - Pressing Past Your Fears to Get Started Today!

Overcoming procrastination - pressing past your fears is the first step to conquering procrastination and learning how to win the race to success. Th…

Take Advantage of Your Commute With Audio Books

If you have a chance to take advantage of your commute with audio books, you should do so. Commuting is one of the most common reasons why people rea…

Your First Step to a Balanced Life - Successfully Setting Goals

The first step towards a balanced life is to understand what exactly this means. This can be achieved by first defining the word "balanced"…

Change Your Life With a Business Idea

There are many ways to change your life, but one of the best ways is to start your own business from home. You may be asking yourself how you can do …

Time Manage Your Life Roles

Managing your time in life is a crucial skill that can make or break you. The more effectively you are able to manage your life roles, the more succe…

The Truth About Habits

The truth about habits There are many people that have successfully developed a few good habits, and there are also many who haven't. The differe…

How Being Kind To Others Can Encourage The Joy Of Giving?

The joy of giving creates a happy person to a greater extent. The good part is that, it also gives a feeling of satisfaction every time you do your b…

The Power of Words - How They Can Help Your Business?

Words have the power to change lives. They can make us fall in love, break up fights, and even win the lottery! In business, words can get you ahead …

Why Do Women Fail in Love?

I'm going to give you the Reasons Why Women Fail in Love. It's not that they have a low self-image, they have no idea what to do with their l…

Self Acceptance - Freedom For Fearless Expression

Self Acceptance - Freedom for Fearless Expression. As you follow the instructions of this program, your inner space will be opened and you will begin…

Seeing the Miracle of Life Through the Eyes of a Gardener

" Seeing the Miracle of Life Through Herbs" by Karen Smith is another of Smith's gardening books. In this one, Smith tackles the subjec…

A Balanced Mind and Good Coping Strategies

The balanced brain: People that are balanced don't get sidetracked, they are constantly working on achieving balance between their Being and thei…

Different Aspects of Human Memory

In a recent study from the University of Toledo, doctoral students had to do an experiment where they used a word recall tool, and then asked a quest…

How To Become Who You Truly Are Through The Power Of Your Soul?

Did you know that by discovering your true nature, you can transform your life and really become what you truly are, "You," instead of &quo…

People Lie All the Time - and They Don't Even Know It!

It is amazing all the lies people tell themselves. There are absolute liars and then there are the decent people who just need to have their facts st…

What is the Secret of Concentration?

What is the secret of concentration? This question is asked by many people and most of them do not know what it really is. It is said that by concent…

The Misconceptions About Needs

The misconceptions about needs are that all humans have the same needs, that needs are universal and all needs are equal. The first misconception is …

What Are the Biggest Mistakes Most Men Make ?

What would you say are the biggest mistakes most men make? I'm sorry to say that you're wrong. But if you want to know what is really the big…

Are You Dealing With Stereotypes in Your Decision Making?

"Stereotyping is the use of different descriptions to classify an individual, group or a society. It has both political and emotional significan…
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