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Loneliness is not always Bad!

Loneliness is not always Bad! Loneliness is synonymous with a negative word for many. On the other hand, you will find many who enjoys loneliness,

Loneliness is synonymous with a negative word for many. On the other hand, you will find many who enjoys loneliness. But I have to agree that long term lonely feelings can feel really worse. But the thing is it depends on how you see it and decides to deal with it. Being alone and feeling lonely can be different if you want to feel the difference.

Don’t fear at the first if you feel lonely. Sometimes even having everything; friends, family, life partner we can still feel lonely. It doesn’t mean we are depressed or there’s something wrong with us. Just accept this because it’s way more normal.

Embrace your loneliness. If you feel like you need someone special in your life or friends to make you feel ‘less lonely’ then you can always go for it. But don’t rush. If you fail it will make you feel worse. Rather take your time to embrace this current moment.

Do something that you love, have interest in, was thinking long to start it. Don’t kill the alone time with negativity. Do something productive, read books, paint, listen to music, do music, and do what interests you.

However, it’s not easy to get over the idea that you are left alone. Remember, you always have the key in your hand, you can make friends, find someone special. You can choose to befriend people, connect with your family member if you want. But try to understand that this temporary lonely feeling actually comes with an opportunity where you can learn a new thing, understand yourself better and many more.

So just don’t fear being lonely.

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