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Filling the Canteen of Relationship Resilience With Positive Emotions

Filling the Canteen of relationship resilience is an important step in building a strong and enduring relationship. As with any relationship

Filling the Canteen of relationship resilience is an important step in building a strong and enduring relationship. As with any relationship, we must first learn to fill the canteen, we need to feel comfortable. Then to be able to stay there and fill the needs of the other, we need to share our joys and sorrows, love and hate. Sharing these things makes us human, we are social creatures and part of a community of life. Filling the canteen of relationship resilience allows us to accept each other for what we are, without pretending to be something we are not.

Filling the Canteen of Relationship Resilience With Positive Emotions

Sometimes when two people of differing beliefs meet, the conversation often turns to discussing the conflicts in their own lives. Arguing, talking back and forth takes energy, both from the speaker and the listener. It also leaves them feeling frustrated and drained of their energy. A couple who finds themselves arguing often, will do anything within reason to avoid conflict with the partner they are in a relationship with.

When you begin to share your thoughts with your partner about what is happening in your lives you are practicing relationship resilience. This does not mean you do not need to listen to your partner or they you do not need to listen to you. What you are doing is sharing space and time with each other, this is sharing the load of being in the relationship. Listen and understand what they are saying, then, from there, determine if you can solve the problems together or if you need to find some other means of resolving the conflicts.

Another practice you might want to try is to ask for assistance when you need it. You might be surprised how many times in a relationship with a partner will volunteer for tasks that they would have normally expected you to do. This shows a level of commitment to each other and one that cannot be bought. You can thank them profusely for doing so and be sure to give them praise when they do something great.

A third practice that has stood the test of time is for one to offer advice when asked by either the friend or the partner they are in a relationship with. Do not take it as an attack, but rather as a desire to help. The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself why you are offering the advice. Are you looking to become a better person? Is your advice for your own needs? Is it to seek clarification on a situation?

Filling the Canteen of Relationship Resilience With Positive Emotions

It is important to know what you are filling the canteen of relationship resilience with. Do you want to fill it with a mix of feelings of peace, happiness, and harmony? Or are you trying to fill it with resentments and negative emotions? Be honest with yourself and your partner. Then you will have no problem filling the relationship to the highest possible level of happiness and harmony.

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