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Putting passion to work

Life is a journey with many milestones. Of course, your goal is to get to your job every day. But you also might think of other important life goal…

Meaning Of Life

You know what to believe and you have confidence in who you are. And a sense of purpose and direction mean something to you because you have a distin…

Gratitude an emotion-enhancer

You get to experience the people that matter most to you most often. You get to be around people who value you as a friend, brother, daughter, grands…

Zeal and Happiness

Zeal is because I'm passionate. It is not only to be found within. Passion is an essential component of being of any benefit to humanity, and my …

Sadness and Emotional Pain

Sadness is more common in women than men. Depression is one of the most common forms of sadness, occurring in around 10% of the population in any giv…

Elevating Your Sense of Respect: Small Actions That Create a Big Impact

Respect is a feeling of admiration for someone or something that is considered to be important or valuable. It is a way of honoring a person's ri…
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